July 13, 2007

Harry Potter final Showdown

          "Once upon a time" - If a story starts in this fashion, it is considered as one of the worst type of beginning for a story. "And they lived happily ever after" I am not sure if this type of ending is considered good or bad, but I know that everyone loves to read an ending like this, atleast I do. With the last Harry Potter book due in 8 days time, speculation and spoilers have started flooding the market. Most common among those is the "end of Harry's story" as the author has put it. The general opinion, obtained from the many interviews given by the author, is that since she does not want any one else to write any further Harry Potter books, she has decided to finish off the boy hero. JK Rowling is the creator of Harry Potter and Harry Potter the creation so she has full right to finish off the wizard as and when she chooses.

However as a rule it is always the creation that becomes more popular than the creator. How often do we think of Thomas Edison when we switch on the light bulb? So also Harry Potter being the creation is more popular than the creator, and I have no hesitation in saying that more people will mourn the end of Harry Potter than cry for the author's funeral(may that be long postponed). I hope JK Rowling knows this and for her own selfish feelings that no one other than her should write the books any time in the future, does not send half a billion fans over the world into mourning, though most people have already got used to the thought that this is the end of the boy wizard. I however will still keep my fingers crossed, for that "Happily ever after" kind of ending. After all, book have got to have happy endings.

About an year ago JK Rowling announced that one of the characters got a reprive but two others die whom she never intended to. Remember we are dealing with pure evil here is what she said. First thing that jumped to my mind was that Harry Potter gets a reprive but his best friends, Ron and Hermoine whom the author never intended to die have to go. So the author cleverly saves Harry Potter the main character, but in my opinion if she does away with his best friends, that would be an equally bad and gory ending. In fact people like me who are rather a bit obsessed with Happy Endings may start turning to "The Seventh Horcrux" a fan fic as a better version of the seventh book. Then again, maybe JK Rowling may surprise all of us with a nice happy ending too. Who knows? Well come 21 July and all the speculation will end as JK Rowling reveals what she has intended as the best end for the Harry Potter series. Despite all the rumours and leaks about major deaths, I will still keep my fingers crossed for "and the lived happily ever after". No, scar is not the last word any more.

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